In the second installment of “Meet the Squad,” Deepti Arun Kumar shares a glimpse into her work at Nuvera and how she unwinds at the end of the day.

I have been a part of Nuvera since 2015 and it has been an incredible journey until now working with a really great team. Over the last few years, I have worked on multiple revolutionary therapies with some of the leading pharma and biotech manufactures and more importantly genuinely nice people who care about their patients. My background in Microbiology not only helped me understand the clinical needs for product support but my past experience in discerning patient needs through social media conversations allowed me to implement the right solutions addressing these needs.
What’s your go-to productivity trick? Ever since I was a kid studying for mid-terms at the tender age of 10 to a world-weary 23-year-old completing my post-grad, and until now – a seasoned consultant, the only strategy that allowed me to remain focused was reading a book! Every time I felt my attention drifting or not being able to complete my targeted workload, taking 15 minutes to read a chapter or two helped me reorient myself and get back on track. I understand it seems counterintuitive to read a book while taking a mental break but the ability to step back and focus on something that I did not specifically need to, significantly increased my attention span for what came after.
What motivates you to take action? The ability to create something concrete and significant from a blank page has always been a very strong motivator for me. I love being able to take a nebulous idea, give it shape based on my own views, and finally share it with my team members to take it to the next level. Being a part of Nuvera has allowed me to stretch, challenge, and build on my creativity in this exact same way. Right from building a complete patient support program for a launch product or helping to set up an entire Patient Services team, the creation of a tangible solution keeps me going every day.

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you? Let me start by saying that I love animals and wanted to become a Zoologist at one point (one of my subjects in undergrad as well!). However, I have a deep fear of anything that flies – birds, butterflies, moths, bats – essentially anything that has an unpredictable flight pattern. Penguins are fine, they’re grounded, but a pigeon on the other hand can cause me to break out in a sweat by simply looking at me.
What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day? I have always been a binge watcher of shows whether they have been reruns of Friends or episode after episode of Property Brothers and Chopped – the quarantine certainly hasn’t helped in this regard! Every night, my husband and I put on our show du jour and relax for an hour or two. Right now, it is InMates on Netflix – one of those shows where anything can happen in the span of one single episode.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Teleportation! Without a doubt I would use up my one of three wishes for this. Of course, I would also have the ability to teleport others with me like a true superhero.