Nuvera brings a holistic approach to shaping industry-leading treatment experiences and patient support programs
Our Approach
When it comes to Patient Support, there is no one-solution or one-size-fits-all. A number of factors from patient needs and therapeutic area to brand’s clinical attributes and market conditions determine the right Treatment Experience.
We start with the specialty product and help our clients weave together patient needs, product attributes, and stakeholder environments into a seamless treatment experience:
Our Frameworks & Methodologies

Patient Support Program Archetype Framework
Looks at a combination of factors (from product attributes to competition) to determine the right Patient Support Model for your Brand and helps distill unique experience drivers specific to the patient population & therapy attributes that serve as the Program DNA.

Patient Journey Exploration Framework
Uncovers ‘moments that matter’ for Patient Support by comprehensively accounting for 3 Journey Components:
- Patient emotional struggles as the disease progresses
- Treatment pathway for the disease & drug
- Manufacturer-sponsored support program elements

Treatment Experience Blueprint Framework
Develops a foundational document aligning patients and HCP needs with manufacturer’s operational functions to deliver an enhanced integrated patient support experience.

Customer Co-creation Process
Allows consistent and quality stakeholder pulses along the creation process from key customer participants to ensure that appropriate needs are met and to build confidence in the final program design.