MEET THE SQUAD: A Personal Glimpse into Our Team

As we continue share more about the people that shape Nuvera and work we do, we are pleased to introduce you to Edward Gajewski. Ed has been a member of our squad for a little over 3 years and has continued to share his wealth of Pharma knowledge and experience with our team and clients.

What’s your go-to productivity trick? Develop the Work Plan. There is the saying … “Plan your work and work your plan.” Whether by myself, and more likely working with a team, I’ve found that productivity increases immensely when a detailed work plan is established with clearly assigned responsibilities, timelines, and expected deliverables. Sounds simple but I’ve often found teams jump in without a clear work plan.

What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of? In a previous role, I took over managing a large Patient Services program. I started by conducting customer satisfaction research and assess the intricacies of program operations. I found satisfaction levels were low, turn-around times slow, and operations were inefficient. We restructured the program – moving from 2 vendors to 1. When conducting the RFP for consolidation, the vendor we chose actually reduced their pricing vs. what they were currently charging because it was more efficient for them to operate independently. Turn-around times improved dramatically, customer satisfaction increased and our organization saved $500k a month. HCPs were happier, patients were happier, and we saved $6M annually which could be invested elsewhere (plus my team won an internal award for the initiative!).

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day? A twist … Exercise the First Thing in the Morning. I’ve found that when the day starts with at least an hour of exercise it doesn’t matter how busy day becomes. The workout pumps in energy for the day and I don’t have to worry about fitting in exercise if the day goes long. Then, a glass of red wine tastes that much better.

If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Teleporting! I can be impatient and I’m not a fan of sitting in the car or taking long flights. This could save an immense amount of time and significantly improve productivity.

What’s the top destination on your must-visit list? South America. I’ve been fortunate to have traveled to 5 other continents with only South America and Antarctica remaining. It would be great to see some of the South American cultures. The plan is to take a summer vacation with the family and visit Peru and Machu Pichu, and then head to Argentina or Chile to sight see and snowboard/ski (remember, it’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere in July).

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